Who we are


Who we are

Created by the minds
behind the world leading
beauty manufacturer,

meet Intercos Concept,
not your average beauty
insider experts.

meet Intercos Concept,
not your average
beauty insider experts.

Your secret weapon to envision, revive, and
accelerate game-changing beauty brands.

Your secret weapon to
envision, revive, and

beauty brands.

We are a multi-talented team that
operates in a white space of possibilities,
ready to take on any strategic beauty need.

We are a multi-talented team
that operates in a white space of possibilities,
ready to take on any strategic beauty need.

Powered by the benefits of knowing every facet of
this industry’s hidden little secrets,
we uncover and actualize
disruptive bespoke strategies
from concept to reality.

Powered by the benefits of knowing every facet
of this industry’s hidden little secrets,
we uncover and actualize
disruptive bespoke strategies
from concept to reality.

In a world of increased complexity,
we make it simple:

In a world of increased complexity,
we make it simple:

we do it all.

we do it all.

Our clients are world-class, forward-thinking,
and buzzworthy beauty icons. Here’s a glimpse.

Our clients are world-class,
forward-thinking, and buzzworthy
beauty icons. Here’s a glimpse.

Whatever your objective, whoever you are:
we are equipped with expertise and flexibility to
envision, revive or accelerate your beauty brand.

Whatever your objective,
whoever you are: we are equipped
with expertise and flexibility
to envision, revive or
your beauty brand.

See the breakdown below & find your match.

See the breakdown below & find your match.



Co-creating your brand dream from concept to reality.

Co-creating your brand
dream from concept to reality.

Combining our industry
and your brand to
co-create and support
your entry into the hectic beauty market.

Combining our industry
and your brand to
co-create and support
your entry into the hectic beauty market.

From brand pillars, consumer positioning,
product development, go-to-market strategy
and creative vision we’re here to
energize and accelerate
your dreams.

From brand pillars, consumer positioning,
product development, go-to-market strategy
and creative vision we’re here to
energize and accelerate
your dreams.



Strategy actualization inspiring a new era for your brand.

Strategy actualization inspiring
a new era for your brand.

Looking at where you are and where you’ve
been to advance & actualize
your brand. A bespoke process
ranging from market analysis, brand
assessment to concepting and creative
support to pure product innovation
and development.

Looking at where you are and
where you’ve been to advance &
your brand.
A bespoke process ranging from
market analysis, brand assessment to
concepting and creative support to
pure product innovation and development.

We help you take your
brand to the
next level
up with the everyday beauty
consumer to reshape
the industry.

We help you take your brand
to the next level
keeping up
with the everyday beauty consumer
to reshape the industry.



Actively working to energize the cult and elevate the commercial.

Actively working to energize the cult
and elevate the commercial.

Operating with market & insider
to energize and
fine-tune your product vision and strategy.
Driven by Intercos Intelligence
and our trend hacking expertise,
we work in parallel to your current position to
augment your brand.

Operating with market & insider
to energize and
fine-tune your product vision and strategy.
Driven by Intercos Intelligence
and our trend hacking expertise,
we work in parallel to your current position to
augment your brand.


    Let's get started!

    First things first:

    Your name:

    Your Company & Brand (if they already exist):

    What can we do for you?

    Select any of the points below that are relevant for your unique project.

    We would love to have a spoiler:
    Tell us something more about the project.

    What is the geographical scope of the project?

    What budget do you have in mind for the project?

    What is the timing set for the project launch?

    How can we contact you?


    I want to work for you

      I want to work for you.

      What should we know about you?

      Just some regular admin work

      No file chosen

      We will get back to you

      Something else?

        Something else? Say hi!

        What did we forget?